Thomas Eyskens holds a Master in Law at Antwerp University (UA, 1999). In the subsequent year, ULB awarded him with a diploma of in depth study of public and administrative law.

In 2000, Thomas joined the Brussels bar. Until 2013, he was affiliated with Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick, as an associate of Dirk Lindemans.

He is a founding partner of Portico since 2013.

Thomas is actively involved in the full scope of public and administrative law, with a predominant focus on urban planning, environmental law, public procurement law, civil service law and local government law. In these areas, he advises clients and counsels public and private persons throughout legal procedures and proceedings. He has gained wide experience litigating admistrative questions, both before administrative instances and courts, before the Council of State and before the regular courts.

Thomas has contributed to the domains of public and administrative law with several publications. He is also a member of the TROS editorial board (Tijdschrift voor ruimtelijke ordening en stedenbouw – Journal for spatial and urban planning), and he is a director of the GAP (Genootschap Advocaten Publiekrecht – Association of Public Law Attorneys).


UA (Master of Law), 1999

ULB (Diplôme des études approfondies en droit public et administratif), 2000


Urban planning law, environmental law, public procurement law, civil service law and local government law


Dutch, French, English